This document describes the new features effected in mycloud Release Sprint 3 and Sprint 4.

This document is divided into the following sections:

1. About the Release
2. New Features

About the Release
Release Date: Upcoming

This release contains the following new features.

đź‘Ť New Features

Introduce Dummy Room Concept in mycloud
Dummy rooms are virtual rooms created in PMS that can be used by hotel staff for billing purposes. Generally billing for business centre or any other such activity. These virtual rooms can be seen on mycloud timeline but do not impact the actual room count and associated statistics.

Power BI Integration
Mycloud data will be sent to Power BI user account post night audit. This data can be used by hotel users to create multiple criteria’s and views to define dashboard in Power BI. This will be license based and hotel will need to buy a user license from Microsoft which currently is priced at $15 per month.

Web Booking Engine Widget
A new date widget will be provided, this widget will have calendar/date selection, number of rooms and pax. This can be easily embedded into hotel brand website to provide a seamless booking experience to a guest.

PMS Discounts
Introduce a new discount option in PMS for user to apply discounts rather changing agreed rate. This discount mask can be applied to all applicable/selected revenue charge/departments like F&B, Laundry, Telephones etc

Rate Categories
A new option/master is being introduced to create Rate categories, each rate code can be tagged to a rate category for a better rate management and analytics.

Shift End for Cashier
New feature PMS Shift end closure to know the shift wise/cashier collections and float every day, this will help in better accounting and cashier/shift wise reporting.

Pax Wise Room Setup
Room master will have additional field to define Adult, Youth and Child along with Minimum and Maximum pax allowed in a room.

(Rate Management Screen)

Rate Management Screen
A new rate management screen will be provided. This screen will feature a filter on top for date and rate type. The default view will be with all rate type listed with 15 days rate view and channels the rates are published to. User can easily click a date cell and input/change an existing rate and click and drag that cell across dates to copy same to other selected dates. The concept is based on popular Channel manager rate screens that provide a single view of all rates with edit functionality.

Date Wise Rates During Reservation
Reservation screen will display date wise rates to enable a user to quickly change add on’s or offer a different rate for each stay date.

Property Level Setup
A new master is being introduced for chains to configure a hotel under => Group-Brand-Portfolio-Cluster-Location-Property- Block- Type and Room-Attributes.

This will allow chain users to get benefit of clubbing hotels as a part of brand and portfolio and also going further we will introduce chain based enhanced reporting with these configured filters.

New Room Setup
A new feature to configure room type as a Single bedroom, two-bedroom, apartment, Villa/Apartment etc, Each Villa can have multiple apartments, each apartment can have multiple rooms, users will now have option to sell it as a single unit like apartment to a family or break that apartment into two single bedrooms and sell them to different guests. Master/Linked Room concept where a room can be split into multiple rooms affecting inventory. Example Villa room 100 is linked to Villa room 101, 102, 103. So the villa is 100 as a virtual room number. So, someone now books 100 the inventory goes to zero. If someone books 101, the category has 2 availability 102 and 103. If someone tries to book 100, he will get now 102 and 103.

BNB Setup for Web Booking Engine
Based on new features and enhancements, (New Room Setup for Villa, Apartment and breaking apartments into single rooms) our current web booking engine will go through few modifications to accommodate this new style of operations to accommodate bookings based on room configurations.

MIS Productivity for Future Dates
A new report will be introduced to show forecasted figures/revenues based on same format as existing MIS productivity report and available filters.

Two Factor Authentication
We are enhancing existing security and introducing a 2-factor authentication, this authentication when enabled will allow additional security via user/role-based login/Authentication based on email or SMS OTP

Mandatory Fields During Reservation
Users will be able to define mandatory fields for reservation => Feature to mark mandatory fields for reservation/check-in

Guest Messaging
Twillo is already integrated for SMS, now we are enhancing this integration to offer WhatsApp based integration to allow guest messaging.

Improved Search Function
Existing search is being enhanced by adding more filters like room attributes, guest ID and DOB

Single Sign On
With introduction of Chrome in our back-office solution, we are now going to provide a single sign on function to users who subscribe to our multiple solutions like POS, Banquets, @your wish and Back-office.

Room Type Change
Allow users to change a room category, so room 101 defined under deluxe category can be changed to Standard by admin user.

(Dashboard One)

(Dashboard Two)

User based Dashboard
New dashboard is being introduced that will allow users to define their own analytical views and information they wish to see.