Professional resort management firm Liberté Management Group has spoken out about the value that mycloud hospitality platform has added to the running of its eight Florida resorts. Florida visitor numbers have risen consecutively over the past six years, leaping by 5.9% to nearly 113 million visitors in 2016, according to Visit Florida.

Florida’s position as one of the most visited states in the US means that competition is high when it comes to resort management. Efficient systems that impact positively on both the running of the business and the guest experience can make the difference between a company that succeeds and one that doesn’t.

Liberté has been using mycloud for nearly a year now. Reservation Manager Trish Lomonica comments:
“I manage/maintain eight properties on this channel manager and it’s a breeze. Admin is a piece of cake as well. I love that you can add as many users as you want, customize their capabilities and send notifications to as many email addresses as you want. All in all, the program is wonderful and so affordable. It’s perfect for a big corporation or the smallest of properties.”

As Lomonica points out, mycloud’s innovative design ensures that it is suitable for use by hospitality businesses of all sizes. That includes motels, small and medium size independent hotels, large hotel chains, guesthouses and boutique resorts.

The enterprise-level package allows companies to manage their reservations, take online bookings and process arrivals and departures. It even provides the functionality to manage guest histories and collate guest feedback. As an enterprise-level solution, mycloud allows users to manage multiple properties from within a single application and log-in. It also provides a channel manager to automate distribution to OTAs and provides a tool for travel agents and corporate/group bookings.

mycloud’s ease of use is one of the factors that makes it stand out. As Liberté’s Trish Lomonica observes:
“The program itself is simple and really easy to understand. It has saved me loads of time. It’s very fast and syncs within seconds for real time availability.”

mycloud provides businesses with competitive advantage by maximizing the efficiency of their systems. In addition, revenues can be optimized through the system’s e-POS functionality, which can be used for managing chargeable services such as restaurants, bars, gift shops and spas. The e-POS system not only covers ordering and billing, but backs this up with statistical reports – an invaluable management tool for companies looking to ensure their chargeable services are generating maximum returns.

The comprehensive nature of mycloud makes it ideal for complex businesses such as Liberté. Accounts receivable functionality, the ability to manage housekeeping services and an interface library with over 175 different interfaces mean that users can integrate the various strands of their business like never before. mycloud also integrates beautifully with social media channels, providing a collective timeline of them, as well as a guest satisfaction index.

mycloud Vice President Deepak Chauhan comments:
“We developed mycloud in order to enable hospitality managers to bring together the various elements of their service delivery in a new way. We were thrilled to receive a “Best Use of Cloud Service'”award for the system, in recognition of its innovative, contemporary package. We’re also delighted to be working with Liberté by providing the tools and customer support to enable them to focus on what they do best – running outstanding resorts and communities in the Florida area.”

Awards and positive customer feedback are certainly indicators of success, but mycloud (as ever) goes one step further when it comes to monitoring progress. The system’s unique ‘social listening’ tool can monitor internet chatter about an establishment. It means that resort managers can find out in real-time what visitors are saying on TripAdvisor, Twitter, Facebook,, Yelp and other social media and travel review sites.

mycloud (web based hotel management software) was developed by Prologic First and is available around the world, including in the UK, USA, UAE, Philippines, Thailand, India and Singapore.