This document describes the new features, modifications, and corrections effected in mycloud Release Sprint 7B

This document is divided into the following sections :

1. About the Release
2. New Features
3. Modifications / Enhancements
4. Corrections / Bug Fixes
5. Known Restrictions / Issues


About the Release

Release Date : 15 Sept 2019

Modifications / Enhancements

This release includes following new modifications / enhancements:

1. PMS => Groups => Modify Group functionality to have waitlisted groups :-

Now system will be able to have waitlisted group members.

* Waitlisted reservations can be linked/added to group
* Option to “Confirm” waitlisted reservations given on group screen.
* By selecting waitlisted reservations and click on “Confirm” button waitlisted reservations can be made confirm.
* All waitlisted members can be selcted by clicking on “Select all waitlisted members”
* Group block summary section modified to show “Confirmed/In-house” and “Waitlisted” counts separately
* Group block summary section modified to provide date wise total of “Confirmed/In-house” and “Waitlisted” counts

“Download” process modified to have selection for waitlisted members

* Wait-listed member can not be leader, if there is any confirmed/in-house member in the group
* Reservation Confirm/Cancel/Check-out/Check-in processes modified to automatically change the leader from wait-list/cancelled/checked-out to confirm/in-house

2. POS => Reports => Periodic Summary =>Add new report in MIS reports :-

New report “Periodic Summary” has been added under POS => Reports => MIS Reports with following parameters

* Date From
* Date To
* Outlet
* Print For

3. POS => Reports => Item Sales => Option to have outlet :-

Item sales report has been modified to have based on “Outlet”. So report can be executed for a particular outlet.

4. PMS => Reports => Housekeeper Report => Add number of pax and floor :-

Housekeeper has been modified to show floor of the room and total pax count of staying/arrival guests.

In the case of sharers, all in-house guests/confirmed arrivals will be shown on the report with the same room number

5. PMS => Tasks => Validate guest pending tasks at the time of check-out :-

Now pending tasks, created for the guest, will be validated at the time of check-out. This option can be made enable/disable from advance setup => Step 1

The message at the time of check-out, in the case pending tasks

6. PMS => Reports/History => Search history by room number :-

History search has been modified to search history based on the room number. Room number will be searched for in-house and archived reservations

7. PMS => Frontdesk => Tape Chart => On Right click provide option for room move for confirmed guests also :-

Option to Modify/Upgrade room has been given on right click for confirmed guests also. Previously it was available for in-house reservations only.

Corrections/Bug Fixes

1.PMS => MIS Productivity Reports: Don’t Show the Channel manager in the report:-

MIS productivity report modified not to show data for channel managers like Siteminder / Maximojo / STAAH.
* Report will not show data if booking made from channel manager if any booking created manually with above channel managers as “Booked thru” then report will show these channel managers.

2. System Admin => User Setup: If role is not assigned to a user, then this user does not feature in users list when click on “Open” :-