This document describes the new features, modifications, and corrections effected in mycloud Release Sprint 7A

This document is divided into the following sections :

1. About the Release
2. New Features
3. Modifications / Enhancements
4. Corrections / Bug Fixes
5. Known Restrictions / Issues


About the Release

Release Date: 15 Sept 2019

Modifications / Enhancements

This release includes following new modifications / enhancements:

1. PMS => Reservations => Introduce Sharer functionality :-

Sharer functionality can be enabled from Advance setup => Step 1 => “Allow multiple reservations in a room” as highlighted in next screen.

Shares will be added to reservations. There will be an action on the right section “Sharer information”.
If Sharer(s) exist(s) then the system will show an icon also along with the action button.

“Sharer information” will open the sharer screen as next screen
* Add button will be available if total sharer count in a room is less than 4
* Agreed rate can be modified here if Rate type allows for rate override on the reservation
* Arrival/Departure/Guest Rate/Domicile can be edit and save in one go
* Any sharer can be opened in reservation main screen by clicking on “Edit” button
* “Confirmed” guests can be check-in. To check-in a guest, select “Check-in” box and click on “Check-in” button
* Maximum 4 guests can be added to a room
* Sum of “Guest rate” of (in-house guests) must be equal to the agreed rate of the room.
* Agreed rate of the room will be calculated based on the PAX numbers of in-house guests only
* Arrival Date and time can not be changed for In-house guests
* All sharers must have overlapped stays.
* Total of Adult/Youth/child counts of all sharers will be validated against the maximum pax given for the room type

To add a sharer click on “Add” button which will open the next screen to add sharer.

Add a sharer.

“Room Transfer” screen will be modified in case of sharers
* There are two sections on the room transfer screen

* Existing Room Information (Left Section)
* Selected Room Information (Right Section)

Existing Room Information

* This section will show all in-house guests staying in the current room (before transfer)
* First guest (for which room transfer was initiated) will be checked automatically
* At the time of transfer, the sum of remaining guests in the existing room (after transfer) must be equal to the agreed of the existing room (given at the top of the screen)

Selected Room Information

* This section will show all in-house guests staying in the selected room (before transfer)
* System / Agreed rate will be changed automatically based on currently staying guests and selected guests from “Exiting room”.
* At the time of transfer, sum of currently staying guests in the selected room and selected guests from “Existing room” must be equal to the agreed of the selected room (given under selected room)

* Room Transfer can happen in following conditions
* Single Guest Room to Vacant Room
* Single Guest Room to Occupied Room
* Multiple Guest Room to Vacant Room
* Multiple Guest Room to Occupied Room

Sharer Checkout:-

The check-out process has been modified for sharer check-out process
* If checking-out room is having sharers then system will open following screen, where all in-house sharers will be displayed with check-out and post room charge options.
* Room charge can not be posted for checking-out guests
* Agreed rate of the room will be calculated based on PAX numbers of left in-house guests (not checking-out) only

* While check-out sharers, if any guest if left in-house in room, then the sum of remaining guest’s rate must be equal to the agreed rate of the room

Express Services:-

Express services screen modified to indicate “Sharer” against the searched reservations, as highlighted in the next screen.
On click on “Sharer” icon, the system will display sharers list in a popup screen

2. POS => Reports => Options to include F&B/NonF&B/All outlets in reports (Based on flag set on outlet) :-

POS Reports have been modified to accept “Print F&B outlets only” flag so that users can execute reports for F&B type outlets only

Report screen has been modified to provide flag “Include Outlets”, which will be a drop-down having following flags
All Outlets
F&B Outlets Only
Non F&B Outlets Only

Following reports have been modified to print F&B and non F&B outlets
Days Summary
Item Sales Report
Void Checks
Tax Scroll Report
Covers Report
Check Scroll
Void Items
MIS Charge Summary(To date)
MIS Settlement Summary(To date)
MIS Discount Summary(To date)
MIS Tax Summary(To date)
MIS Covers Summary(To date)
Sales Details
FnB Recap
Open Checks

To mark an outlet as “F&B” or “Non F&B”, outlet setup has been modified to have “Is F&B Outlet” as highlighted in next screens.

3. PMS => Rate Management => Option to Add/Modify Tax Exemption :-

Rate Management “Advance Configuration” screen has been modified to set/accept “Tax Exemption”.
This tax exemption will be applicable on reservations made for this rate.

4. PMS => Option to Print Zero Folios :-

Advance control setup => Step 2 => “Guest accounting policies” has been modified to have zero folio print option. If this option is checked then the system will print a folio which has no transaction posted in that folio.

This option will work if a specific folio is printed, in case of all folio print only those folios get printed that will have transactions.

5. CRS Reports => Consolidated Reports modification :-

CRS Consolidated reports, have been modified as follows;

* Provide Consolidated report for the Market segment also
* Add “This Week” section for the market segment and Property reports
* Allow Future dates for Property report (Maximum 30 days from selected date)

6. PMS => Check Availability => “Total available” row added at the end of all room types, this will show total available (sum of all room types) for that date:-

Availability screen has been modified to show total available rooms for each date at the end of all room types.

7. PMS => Frontdesk => Tape Chart => Show “Confirmed” guests also in “Upgrade room types” color legends, previously only in-house guests were shown in that category :-

Previously, if any confirmed reservation is upgraded to another room type, the same reservation was being displayed in the normal confirmed color legend.
Now the system will show the confirmed upgraded rooms also in “Upgraded room” color legend.

Corrections/Bug Fixes

1. PMS => History Linking => Following multiple issues fixed :-

* When select a guest from history, the email and phone are not picked up in the reservation

* If a guest history is created and if the property is part of a chain, this history though visible in another property of chain, has information missing like membership details/contact numbers/anniversary, etc.

2. PMS => Reports => Daily Sales Report => “Number of Domestic guest arrivals” giving wrong figures :-

“Number of Domestic guest arrivals” and “Number of guest departures” were sharing same code resulting wrong data in “Domestic Guest arrivals”

3. PMS => Reservation => Groups => Group Icon was not visible on reservation main screen, if the reservation is not linked to history:-

4. POS => Grouping for outlet date/date outlet is not working in sales detail report:-

5. PMS => Guest History => On history maintenance screen, Guest image is not displaying from the corporate profile:-