This document describes the new features, modifications and corrections effected in mycloud Release Sprint 9

This document is divided into the following sections:

1. About the Release
2. New Features
3. Modifications / Enhancements
4. Corrections / Bug Fixes
5. Known Restrictions / Issues

About the Release

Release Date: 11 Feb 2020

Modifications / Enhancements

This release includes following new modifications / enhancements:

1. PMS => Reports => Auto post Edit list: –

Auto post edit list report has been modified to be exported to Excel format. Currently it is in PDF format. After this modification PDF report has been replaced by Excel format.
Night audit Reports and Night audit step “Step 3: Auto post charges” have been modified to open the new format.

Column Definitions for Main Report

  • Reg No = Check-in number of reservation
  • Rack Rate = Hotel Rack rate defined for the room type assigned to reservation
  • Charged Amount = Room amount that will be charged to guest; Room Component from Agreed rate
  • Diff Amount = Difference between “Rate Amount” and “Charged Amount”
  • Plan Amount = Inclusion (Meal component) amount that will be charged to guest; Meal Component from Agreed rate.
  • Total Amount = Sum of “Charge Amount” and “Plan Amount”
  • Plan = Inclusion Name
  • CGST = CGST Tax component of Room and Inclusion charges
  • SGST =SGST Tax component of Room and Inclusion charges
  • Net Amount = Sum of “Charge Amount”, “Plan Amount”, SGST component and SGST component

Column Definitions for Plan Summary

  • Plan Name = Description of inclusions
  • PAX = Total PAX count for this particular inclusion
  • Amount = Total Amount for this particular inclusion

Note: For Non-GST hotels, CGST/SGST columns will be replaced by “Total Tax”

2. POS => Reports => MIS Item sales report (To Date): –

New Report “Item Sales report (To Date)” has been added in POS => MIS Reports
This report will accept following parameters

  • Date: Cannot be equal to or greater than business date
  • Outlet
  • Menu

POS Outlet Report

MIS Report

3. POS => Kot Reprint option: –

POS => Check screen has been modified to add/modify KOT comments while adding the items to check.

New Column “KOT” has been added on screen (last column), which will have an icon of “Document edit” or “Add”.

“Add” button will be available if the item is a new item (before check save operation) and item does not have any KOT comment added to it.

“Document edit” button will be available if the item has any KOT comment added to it.

Click on these icon, will open KOT comments, which will have added KOT comments. If it is a newly added item then user can edit the comments, else the comments will be non-edit mode and “OK” button will be hidden.

There will be a new button “Re-Print KOT” on cashiering screen. This button will be available only for open (Saved and status with “Opened”) checks.

KOT Re-Printing

“Re-print KOT” will open a screen having only those items which have KOT comments with them.

KOT Printing

“Print” action will initiate KOT print for selected KOT. Complete KOT will be printed, instead of item wise.

4. PMS => Reports => Guest Data Bank: –

New Report “Guest Data Bank” has been added under “Archive Reports”
Report will be available for a date range
Following will be the parameters for the report

  • Date from: Date will be validated against arrival date if report to be taken for “Arrivals”; Date will be validated against departure date if report to be taken for “Departures”; Date will be validated against arrival and departure date if report to be taken for “Stayed”
  • Date to: Date will be validated against arrival date if report to be taken for “Arrivals”; Date will be validated against departure date if report to be taken for “Departures”; Date will be validated against arrival and departure date if report to be taken for “Stayed”
  • Show: Arrivals/Stayed/Departures
  • Sort By: Room number / Arrival / Name
  • Report will get data from Archive/Inhouse/Reserved
  • Report output will be in Excel

Guest Data

5. POS => Reports => Productivity by Table and Server: –

Two new reports has been added in POS => MIS Reports for Table and Server productivity
Report will be available for a date range
Following will be the parameters for the report

  • Date from: Has to be less than business date
  • Date to: Has to be less than business date
  • Outlet: Can be blank; report can be taken out for all outlets also

Report output will be in PDF

POS Report

POS Productivity Report

POS Productivity Server Report

6. PMS => Channel Manager => Generate Alert for non-allocated days before “N” number of days: –

Channel Manager screen gas been modified to have option for allocation deletion; Deletion will be performed for following criteria.

Rate Type
Room Type
Date From
Date To

Delete function will perform validation on booked figures against the allocation, if there is any booked figures for above given criteria then system will not delete the allocation.

System Admin => Interfaces configuration => SiteMinder/Maxi mojo/Staah has been modified to accept email and number of days in advance when system will send alert to hotel about the non-allocated room types.

System will send alerts to hotel with following details.

Room Type description and last allocated date; could be multiple room types here.

Frequency of alert: Alert will be sent daily (based on number of cut off days defined on interface configuration) at the time of night audit.

7. PMS => Option to send folio/invoice through email from archive reservation enquiry:-

Archive Reservation screen has been modified to provide option to send folio/invoice through email Folio/Invoice print/view screen has been modified to have following email options

8. POS => Reports => Check Employee check settlement report: –

POS cashiering => Employee settlement process has been modified as follows

If the check is marked as Employee check then system will ask employee name, against which the check will be settled.
If the check is marked As Employee check then system will ask for discount template that will be applicable for that check
When the check is saved with Employee settlement option, system will open a popup with above two options

New Report “Employee Settlements” report has been added under “Daily reports” with following parameters (same as of Sales details)

Date From
Date To
Shift no
Print For: All Outlet / FNB Outlet / Non FNB Outlet
Grouping: Date => Outlet; Outlet => Date

9. POS => Cashiering => Check => Option to have Table/Server as free text or predefined list: –

POS Cashiering screen has been modified to have Table and server as a free text or a predefined list.
To enable the predefined list, POS => Parameter setup has been modified to have following four new tabs

General Setup: This will be first tab on the screen
Employees: This will be the third last tab on the screen
Tables: This will be the second last tab on the screen
Servers: This will be the last tab on the screen

General Setup

This tab will have settings to enable predefined list for Table/Server while making a new check

“Accept Table/Server from a predefined list while creating a new check”

This flag will update “Table Validation” and “Server Validation” flags used while check creation. If this flag is ON then “Tables” and “Servers” tab will be visible on parameter setup otherwise both the tabs will be hidden.


This tab will have a list of employees, created in POS

Once created, ID cannot be changed.
ID cannot be duplicated

Employees Report POS

This tab will have a list of tables, created in POS

Once created, table cannot be changed.
Table cannot be duplicated, but can be duplicated across the outlets
Tables will be added/updated for an outlet.

POS Table

This tab will have a list of servers, created in POS

Once created, ID cannot be changed.
ID cannot be duplicated

10. PMS => Night Audit => Auto night audit:-

Auto night audit has been enabled from Parameter Setup => Advance Control => Step 3; where following two configurations will be available

Enable Auto night audit
Night audit time (in 24 hours format)

Back ground process will be responsible for night audit initialization and completion

Following will be the steps to be processed by background process

  • Check the time of the auto night audit and day (same day or next day); time will consider Time Zone settings also
  • Validate unsettled checks, if any don’t proceed for night audit and send alert to System Admin about unsettled check list
  • Release all Guest / check locks
  • Validate expected departures, if any extend them by one day and keep them in a list
  • Execute all night audit steps
  • IF any step is not executed due to any technical issue, stop night audit and send alert to system admin with proper message
  • If night is completed without any error then send alert to system admin about the status along with the extended expected departures.

In case of auto night audit is in progress, manual night audit should be restricted

Night Audit Report

Corrections / Bug Fixes: This release includes following corrections / bug fixes

PMS => Post Check-in Reports => Inhouse Guest List with/without rates => If “Departure” is set while executing report, then day use guests also qualify in the report

WBE => Booking was being made Confirmed-Guaranteed if booking is made without payment from WBE, it should be “On-Hold”

POS => Reports => Daily => Day Summary => Gross Total in revenue section was showing incorrect value; “Total tips” and “Adjustments” were being added multiple times in “Gross total”

PMS => Reports => “Dubai Hotel Establishment Statistics report” => Report was giving incorrect total amount on last sheet, which shows nationality wise data. Issue found was that same nationality code was being used by two different nationalities, resulting wrong data in display

POS => while adding new items in check, if the quantity is changed for the 9th item , the amount does not get changed for the 9th Item onwards